Friday, February 15, 2013

Mommy! Look! Balloons!!

There are those days that we have as mothers where we are so wound up and overflowing with stress, that we forget to enjoy our children.

Sometimes we - or at least I will admit for myself - get annoyed with our kids and get stuck in a funk of being annoyed with every little thing the child says.

A week ago or so I was having a really rough time with staying positive... just waiting and hoping every day there, for a while, that nap time or bed time would just hurry up so I can have a break.

And then Hannah (almost 3) said something that hit me between the eyes and softened my heart...

"Mommy! Look!!! Balloons!!!" 

The tender innocence of my child broke me. The simple awe and wonder that she portrayed made me snap out of my mood and mentally slap myself.

THIS IS A BABY! Yes, she (and her siblings) spill things, make gigantic messes, fight with each other, constantly tug at my clothes for something, demand attention, love, and hugs CONSTANTLY... BUT! They. Are. Children. They. Are. INNOCENT!

Moments like these make me really disappointed in myself. Maybe I am too immature to be the mother that they need? I'm 26 and I have five kids. What have I done to them?

I can imagine that I am not the only one who gets caught up in selfish thinking... but I surprise myself in a bad way sometimes.

I would die for these children. If I could give my heart to Micah, a new set of eyes (although mine aren't a good trade) to Lily, anything to the others... I would. I would attack the heck out of anyone who would dare mess with my kids.

And here I am.... not being the way I would expect others to be with my babies.

No, I'm not abusive. I don't think I'm a bad parent. But days like this simply remind me that we need to stop and smell the roses. This includes stopping to look at the balloons with our sweet little babies.

Stop and "smell the children" perhaps ;) lol

Stop trying to rush things and enjoy your sweet little creations.

I can tell you one thing for sure - if you catch yourself finding awe and wonder in balloons a little more often and find yourself annoyed a little less often.. I think you will be satisfied with yourself at the end of the day a little bit more :)