Monday, November 24, 2014

God Sees Us

He doesn't see us as the old, bitter woman.
He doesn't see us as the sinful cheat or liar.
He doesn't see us as the unfaithful husband or wife.
He doesn't see us as the rebellious and disrespectful teenager.
He doesn't see us as the little boy with the horrible attitude.
He doesn't see us as the toddler who is disobeying over and over again.


He sees us as the innocent infant who is looking up at her mother.
He sees us as the child who has full faith and trust in his daddy.
He sees us as the unscathed and perfect newborn.

God sees you. He sees you without your sins. He sees you with blinders to wrong.

You are His child.
You are his pride.

As the infant wakes and seeks comfort in his mother's arms, so must we seek Him.
He is safe, and he loves us with the undeniable love that a mother has for her baby.
He loves us with the same love that keeps a father going, working till his knuckles bleed, to provide for and protect that child.

You are loved, child of God.

You are loved

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It could always be better, but it could also be worse...

As I pulled into home this morning, after dropping my older three off at school, I caught a glimpse of the pretty brick design that is in the center of my driveway. For some reason, it made me start thinking about how nice we have it in life.

I feel like a lot of people really take for granted the good things in life and never have a shortage of things to complain about. This includes myself. Seeing the pretty brick design, I thought... "How many people have a nice driveway? How many people even have a driveway? How many people have a nice house? How many people have a place to live?"

I could have a bigger house. I could have a perfectly organized and gorgeous home inside.  I could have every bit of my life picture perfect. I could have more things.  But it could be a whole lot worse,  don't you think?

It is chilly days like today, as I'm bundling up with my warm coat, when I think about the homeless. The honest-to-God homeless. The hungry children going to school. The dad tirelessly looking for work without any success. The defeated mother who feels torn between staying home with her children, or working, and giving them a Christmas this year. The family who is feverishly waiting for their child to make it through surgery this morning. My life really could be a whole lot worse and less convenient.

Mindset is a magical and very strong thing. Some things can't be changed,  but perception and positivity can make a difference in your life. Forgive your mom today. Renew the friendship and love you have for your brother. Let go of the grudge you have against your husband.  Reexamine yourself and honestly search for the things that you might be holding yourself back from.  Happiness is attainable, no matter the situation. Give more.  Become more selfless. It is so rewarding to focus on someone beyond yourself.

So ya... just thinking... things can always be better,  but they sure can always be worse.  Look at your life today and see the good things :-) I hope you have a blessed day!