I have literally had this blog sitting in my draft section for 3 years lol I have no idea what took me so long...
***How to will be listed below in simple steps***
So, you have an aggressive child? Or maybe your babe is simply disobedient? Or maybe you're having problems getting your child to respond to your parenting? I've been there...
My son, Jake, was 3, going on 4, and for whatever reason, he was very aggressive and easily angered. He was 3, for one thing lol, which, in itself, is usually a hard age for any child. He or she is searching for independence, and sometimes anger and frustration comes out as an expression of not being able to do what he or she wants to do.
My sister in law, who was a preschool teacher for many years, gave me this idea, and it WORKED WONDERS! It took time, but Jake eventually responded VERY well to this positive reinforcement.
Here's how it works:
♡Take your child with you for supplies
♡Buy a clear jar, ribbon, and marbles
♡Take your child to a craft store, and buy a cardboard treasure box or something that can be drawn on and can also hold items
♡Go to the dollar store, and let your child pick 5 to 10 toys, small enough to fit in the treasure box
♡Go home and let your child color and design the treasure box how he wants.
♡Explain that for every good thing he does, or every time he listens, or every time he uses his words, he earns a marble.
♡Let him physically put the marble in the jar
♡Tie the ribbon around the jar just high enough so that the child has to earn enough marbles for his work and effort to mean something, but make it attainable
♡Once the marbles reach the ribbon, allow your child to pick a toy out of the treasure box
♡Optional: remove a marble or more, in child's presence, when extreme bad behavior is shown
At first, Jake got marbles for simple things such as saying thank you, please, or yes mommy. If he was nice to his sister, he would get one. I made a lot of excuses and found reasons at the beginning to encourage him. Eventually he started paying attention to his actions and that they had consequences. He went from being a strong willed and difficult child to a very sweet boy.
Test it out and please share with me how it worked for you ♡♡♡♡♡
Monday, November 9, 2015
Is it just me, or do you also have trouble multitasking for long periods of time?
As mothers, we are expected to run the house, run the children, run the errands, run the holidays, run the school projects and homework, and anything else that is thrown on top of that. What about working moms? What about moms who go to school?
Four months ago, I joined Younique and became a presenter. Couldn't be happier with this company because it is an through and through wholesome cosmetic company (Visit my site anytime, Like my fb business page and email me with any questions). However, I've learned now how much more difficult life can be trying to manage and handle a million things.
I already have 6 children to juggle, and now I'm learning how to market, stay on top of customer care, and run online parties or boutiques at events, as the holidays near. I feel like I either have time to do that and keep the kids alive, or care for the kids and do the house chores, or run some errands and make dinner every night this week. I seem to never have the energy to complete everything.
The other day I filled out one of those fun surveys, naming something from A to Z about myself. 'J' stood for something I'm jealous about, and I said "the mom who has it all together." My friend said that she doesn't exist... but it sure seems like it to me sometimes. I feel like I'm the only one who can't keep a clean house or doesn't know how to check everything off her list each day, always playing catch up.
What are your techniques and tricks to get your list done each day? It's time for this momma to GET advice. Please leave any feedback in the comments :)