Thursday, September 20, 2012

Micah had a procedure done Sept 18

On Tuesday, this week, Micah (now 15 weeks old) went in and had an angiogram. 

They inserted a catheter in the right side of his groin into a vein (instead of his main artery - and this is a good thing because it left less room for bleeding and complications) and got it up into his heart. The doctors said that they had no trouble getting it in there and that they were able to maneuver around his heart with ease :)

The purpose of this procedure was to get pictures inside his heart so that there are no surprises for his next surgery. They were able to see in there clearly and the shunt and pulmonary band (placed in there during his first open heart to facilitate blood flow from his heart to his lungs) are functioning perfectly and, therefore, there is no rush to do the second surgery next week or something.

My husband and I were able to go in the operating room with him, and hold his hand until he was put under with anesthesia through a mask. I was able to kiss him goodbye and then walked over to wait in his little recovery area. He was only out for about an hour and a half and was rolled over to us about 30 mins later. He was already waking up before he got over to us :)

Baby boy was pretty groggy from the anesthesia, but he did very well. I was able to pick him up soon after he was brought out, and I didn't put him down for five hours lol I held him, comforted him, (FINALLY) fed him (I didn't nurse him for 8 hours and was sooooo engorged. Sorry if it's TMI but I thought I was gonna explode!!!), slept with him on my chest for a while, and didn't put him down till it was time to change him :)

Micah's throat was pretty sore (and still is) from the ventilator, and he got kinda congested and still has some phlegm in his chest, but beside that he is doing very well! He has been pretty sleepy today, but he's been happy when he's been awake :)

On Friday the cardiologists and surgeon will be having a conference to determine when his surgery will be scheduled. It will most likely happen close to 6 months (which is the beginning of Dec) but could happen in Nov.

I am so proud of my baby. For a little 15 week old, he has amazing strength. He has been through things far beyond what I have and still smiles through it. The innocence of a child is such a blessing. So pure.

This was the night before his procedure.
Wanted to hug him tightly and enjoy some quiet time with him

Life - and even more so, God - is amazing.

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