Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Time is precious

Right now, it is 2:38am. I am cuddling my infant son, who is almost three months old. He was unexpectedly born with a major heart defect combo (hypoplastic right heart syndrome and tricuspid atresia) and had open heart surgery when he was 11 days old. I plan on sharing our journey - so far - at a future date... but right now I want to encourage you to hold your babies tight. Life is precious.

I never expected that any of my children would have something that is this severe, wrong with them. It blows my mind how much my little 12 week old has been through. He is such a happy boy and he is very strong. He has two more open hearts to go (one around Christmas time and the other at about age 3).

We are taking it one day at a time, but let's face it - this is  scary stuff. I found myself not being able to sleep tonight because my mind was racing and wondering about the unknown. Is he going to survive  the next surgery? Will there be any complications? I talked to my husband and he reminded me that we need to trust God.

It is true.. we need to trust God...

As I cuddle my baby back to sleep I am cherishing the time that I can hold him and love him right now, and trust that God will allow whatever to happen to be what is supposed to happen.

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