Thursday, October 4, 2012

Please, baby, let me hear you breathe

You know when your baby was first born and you checked on him every five seconds to make sure that he was breathing when it was night time? Some nights I have moments of worry about my baby boy (the one who has a heart defect). I will lie there (completely exhausted) and the thought will pop into my head...

What if he isn't breathing? What if he just had cardiac arrest and isn't... alive... anymore? I know, it's terrible to think that way... That's when I sit still and start praying, "please God, let me hear him breathe or move... Come on baby boy - let me hear you breathe!" Most of the time that I pray that, I hear my baby (and my other kids, when they were little) suddenly move or rustle around a little.

I still check on each of my kids, every night, before I head off to sleep. Every night I make sure they're covered and sleeping comfortably, and then head to bed.

Wouldn't it be funny if OUR parents still checked if we were breathing? lol I can just imagine our parents having spy cameras set up or secret heart monitors in our beds to make sure we're still breathing in the middle of the night lol I know I'M gonna do that to MY kids when they move out >: ) mwa ha ha ha

It's such a random thought... but I thought.. ahem.. (woot repetitive!!!) that it would be aiiiight to write about. Wow I'm a poet and I didn't even... realize it (thank you, Joel McHale).

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A walk through the park...

A walk through the park...
My beautiful family of 7