Wednesday, November 7, 2012

21 days till Micah's next open heart!

The day is coming quickly for my chunky little boy to have his next open heart surgery!

To give a quick review of my baby boy (or new info to those of you who might be reading up on baby boy for the first time - the pic is showing one of his defects. The other is so rare I couldn't find a diagram of it):

~~~Micah was born in June of this year with a major heart defect combo called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome and Tricuspid Atresia (his birth story is in a previous blog and soon I will be writing a more detailed blog on what exactly his congenital heart disease is). He had his first open heart surgery when he was 11 days old. Not only was it successful, but Micah is one of the best cases they've seen. He has been blessed to be the best case scenario every step of the way. THANK YOU, JESUS!!

As of tomorrow, Micah will be 5 months old! Can't believe how quickly this has gone by... We have savored EVERY moment. Having this child has changed my LIFE. When he has kept me up at night and has been super cranky, I literally say aloud, "you are worth it, baby! I am so happy you are here crying and keeping me up instead of keeping myself up with tears, mourning the loss you."

This is one thing I want to thank God for. If it wasn't for Micah, I might not be as grateful for the things that I have in my life. There is ALWAYS something positive to look at in every situation I face. My family has recently gone through a terrible sickness - at least we weren't victims of the hurricane on the east coast (and prayers have been sent out to those suffering and families who have lost members :-/ May God touch them!). There is ALWAYS something positive that can come out of negative. God uses our situations for His good always.

So - three weeks to go...

Micah will be going in on Nov 28 - the wed after Thanksgiving. We don't have a time yet, but it will most likely be early morning. The day before we will be bringing him in for blood work (they need to match his blood to donors - my husband and his sister are donating, as well as a close friend of mine :) THANK YOU!).

During this operation, Micah will be put on the heart bypass machine (which is why they'll need the blood). The surgery will last 2-3 hours, and they should have him off the ventilator before he's rolled out to us (last time they took about a day to wean him off of it - lots of cases take DAYS so our baby boy is very strong).

The first operation had an 85 to 90% chance of survival - this one has a 98%!!! Praise Jesus!

It will make more sense when I describe exactly what is wrong with his heart, but this surgery they will be removing a shunt and connecting blood flow to his lungs from the upper half of his body. The third (and final) operation (when he's 3 years) will connect the lower half of his body to his lungs and then they will bypass his heart and create a passageway to his lungs that will passively allow blood to flow in there (the pump that makes blood go to his lungs didn't develop).

He is expected to be released from the hospital 2-4 days after surgery (a heck of a lot faster than the projected 2-3 weeks from last time - he came home after only 6 days though :)!!!).

Our boy is strong and pushes us to be stronger, as well. Your prayers and support are welcome and appreciated. Thank you so much to everyone who has already given us the backing we've needed!

We are ready for this, God! Hanging onto You tight!

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