I think it is time for me to write a blog that I need to read, myself, on a regular basis...
Being a parent is hard, isn't it? No matter how many books, manuals, self-help blogs (ahem... ;) haha) you read, or how much advice you receive, doing the actual day to day work that it takes to be a mother or father is exhausting, hard, feels impossible, and is a challenge, isn't it? Even as I'm writing this, my youngest (21 months) is currently hitting me occasionally with a stick he found lol. The simple task of sitting down to write is being hindered.
I know I've gone through different phases ...the patient, calm, cool, and collected mom.
...the ready-to-explode-at-any-moment mom
...the all-knowing and able to answer anything mom
...the lost and completely helpless mom
...you get it.
Goodness.... all the hats we have to wear. The cook, baker, event coordinator, nanny, maid, taxi driver, referee, negotiator, disciplinarian, comforter, hero, teacher, spiritual guider... should I go on? It is relentless. Exhaaaausting!
And we're all perfect, right?
I know that I lose my cool sometimes. I get snappy, grumpy, I stare at them with frowns, raise my voice, complain, and sometimes yell. And you know what that leaves me with? Guilt. Horrible guilt deep inside.
I don't think I've announced it since I haven't written for more than six months, but I am pregnant with our sixth, and final, child. I'm 7.5 months along with our fourth daughter. Let me tell you - being pregnant with five other children running around is not an easy task.
I've been tired, SO tired. Worn out. I feel gigantic! And the kids have been fighting SO much lately. It drives me INSANE!!!!!!!
Ok, enough venting... I'm sorry.
The whole point of this blog is that we need to recognize that no matter what we're going through, we need to remember the point of it all. Why are you a mom (or a dad)? Because you wanted a family and you want to raise your child or children to be happy, healthy, prepared adults for this world.
If someone was being mean to your kid, you know that you wouldn't let that fly. Nope! Not my kid! No one had better dare to even think of treating my child wrong!
But what about you? How do you treat your kid?
When those bad days come around, become aware of it. Stop yourself. Catch yourself IN the act. Kneel down, look your child in the eyes, the same child who you've kissed scrapes, swaddled as a baby, and stayed up all night worrying about... look at him or her in the eyes and say you're sorry. Let your child know that you are human, that you make mistakes, and that you are able to apologize.
We are to stay in authority, as parents, but it is ok for them to know that we aren't perfect, just as they aren't. I know that I feel better when I level with my kids and acknowledge my own faults.
Tomorrow is a new day. Don't take the old and bad with you. Release it. Apologize to your kids, let them know how important they are, and that you love them with all your heart... enough to let go of some of your pride. Actions speak louder than words, so humble yourself and live through example by being able to say sorry and making things right.
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