Sunday, June 8, 2014

Heart Hero is 2!

2 years ago, my husband and I held hands driving down to the hospital. It was time to have our 2nd son.

I had known my whole pregnancy, in my heart, that something was wrong with my baby. This awful feeling wouldn't leave me for months and months and haunted me constantly. At one point I actually considered not putting together the nursery because... "Well, I'm not going to bring home a baby from the hospital anyway, so why prepare for one?" I didn't understand why I was thinking this.

As we held hands, I prayed aloud, "Lord, God, we trust you and love our baby and will take him any way he comes."

So we happily arrive, mingle with the l&d staff, get myself hooked up to IVs and prepped for my 3rd csection.

But then my world completely stopped and everything in my life changed forever.

At 6:11pm on Friday, June 8, 2012, Micah James was born. Several hours later, he was officially diagnosed with hypoplastic right heart syndrome and tricuspid atresia. Only half of his heart functioned the way it was supposed to. The actual birth and chaos after is below in a blog that I wrote when he was a couple months old.

All I know for certain is that my son has been BLESSED with life and that he amazes me every day. He has made me a better person and I feel incredibly lucky that I get to be his mom.

Happy second birthday, Micah. You have touched countless lives and given strength to many. You are such an innocent boy and have no idea what you've been through... Two open heart surgeries and an angiogram.... Countless doctor visits, dozens of shots, many many echo cardiograms. You inspire me to never let my circumstance determine who I am. YOU prove to me that there is a God!!!!!!

I love you, son!!!!!!!!

Micah's birth: a heartwrentching experience

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